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KKM Responsibilities: State Health Department

  1. Introduction

State Health Department is responsible in coordinating, monitoring and analyzing dengue prevention and control activities in the state. The State Health Department do activate and coordinate Dengue State Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) that operate daily.

  1. Surveillance
  • Epidemiological Surveillance
  1. Daily monitoring on dengue cases to detect early outbreak or impending epidemic.
  2. Monitor the incidence of dengue cases by temporal and geographic distribution then identified the high risk areas.
  • Make plan and recommendation on case detection and vector control implementation based on disease monitoring
  1. Daily review on dengue control activities and coordinate response measures to prevent further spread of dengue.
  2. Disseminate related information on current outbreak localities to health facilities, related agencies and community leaders in order to increase awareness and prompt action.
  3. Disseminate the information to the communities for early prevention activities.
  4. Assist communities to get latest information and health advices on dengue by phone, field visit or through social media.
  • Vector surveillance
  1. Routine mosquito surveillance is necessary for planning and strategies dengue prevention and aedes control activities. to monitor vector density and distribution of Aedes species
  2. We monitor aedes density and its distribution since the information will assist us in making appropriate recommendation for vector prevention and control activities.
  • If vector density breached the targeted threshold, vector control will be activated
  1. Types of vector surveillances are;
  • Larval surveillance
  • We collect larvae and calculate aedes densities at the targeted areas
  • Larvae collection is done through aedes survey which then undergone microscopic identification
  • The vector distribution is analyzed and map.
  • Further plan on dengue control strategies with vector control team at the district will be discussed and implemented.

Penyampelan jentik-jentik

Dipping to collect Aedes larvae

Pemeriksaan Pembiakan Aedes

Aedes survey

Pengecaman sepsis jentik-jentik

Microscopic larval identification

  • Adult Mosquito Surveillance
  1. Ovitrap Sentinel
  • Ovitrap is a tool that installed by health department or the community at the identified high risk areas that called the sentinel site.
  • The purposed is to monitor gravid aedes mosquitos’ densities by collecting aedes eggs.
  • Normally the ovitraps are checked weekly and the sentinel site is monitored for more than 6 months in order to determine the pattern of Aedes mosquito distribution and density.
  • Area specific mosquito control strategies will be designed when The Ovitrap Index is more than ten pencent (10%).
  • Communities must cooperate and should not disturb these ovitraps to ensure we got accurate results. With that, appropriate vector prevention activities can be done.

Bekas Ovitrap1 Bekas Ovitrap2


  1. Sticky Ovitraps
  • We monitor adult mosquito population using sticky ovitraps.
  • All mosquitoes that stick at the film will be identified and calculated
  • High aedes density will initiate aedes control activities
  • Communities are informed and advise not to touch this sticky ovitrap

Sticky Ovitrap

Sticky ovitrap

  1. Quality Control Assessment
  • Cage bioassay
  1. Cage bioassay is done to evaluate the effectiveness of adulticiding activities mainly space spray
  2. Cooperation by communities are welcome by letting us planting the cage bioassay in your areas
  • Vector control staffs will collect back the bioassay after space spraying and the quality of space spraying will be assessed.
  1. Strategies to improve on dengue control activities in this area will be formulated if the quality is not good, so that the risk of dengue transmission in this area can be minimized.

Pemasangan Cage (sangkar) Bioassay

Placement of mosquito cage

Aktiviti semburan ruang

Implementing space spray within fogging areas

Kutipan sangkar dan rumusan kualiti semburan

Collecting Cage bioassay after space spray and conclude the results

  • Ovitrap 48 Hours
  1. It is the same tool used at sentinel ovitrap
  2. The purpose is to monitor the effectiveness of fogging activities in killing adult mosquitoes
  • The ovitrap will be placed after fogging for 48 hours and it will reflect the presence of oviparous mosquitoes after fogging
  1. Communities are advised not to disturb these ovitraps to ensure accurate results.
  • Quality Checking of Aedes Survey
  1. Repeating aedes survey within 3 days by state vector team is regularly done in targeted localities.
  2. The purpose is to monitor the quality of aedes survey done by the previous team
  • Comparision on the finding of both aedes surveys done as quality checking.
  1. Cooperation from the residences is required to allow us assessing your premises.

Pemeriksaan tempat pembiakan Aedes oleh pasukan pemantau kualiti1 Pemeriksaan tempat pembiakan Aedes oleh pasukan pemantau kualiti2

Inspection on premises done by Quality Control Team

  1. Multi-sectorial collaboration
  1. Developing networking with relevant agencies who can assist in developing dengue prevention and control activities
  2. Giving technical advices to the relevant agencies how prevent the possibility of the spread of dengue to the communities
  • Coordinating regular state meeting to collaborate inter-sectorial action in combating dengue
  1. Coordinating and working closely with various agencies to remove the risk factors in high priorities or outbreak areas
  1. Plan and coordinate the resources to accommodate the needs of health facilities and district health office in hyper-endemic and epidemic state including Personal Protective Equipment, Dengue rapid test kit and logistics.
  1. Specialized staff training to maintains the clinical management and vector control skills among health staffs.
  1. Offer technical advice on dengue prevention activities to the communities and any agencies.


  1. Dengue Control.
  2. iDengue untuk komuniti.
  3. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. (2009). Pelan Strategik Pencegahan dan Kawalan Denggi 2009-2013.
  4. Official Portal Ministry of Health Malaysia.

Annex 1


  • You may refer the information about dengue cases around your place through our website. If there are dengue cases in your area, immediately do search and destroy aedes breeding places.

You can get latest information about dengue by following us on Facebook as below:


Last Reviewed 5 November 2015
Writer Dr Nur Aishah Binti Buang
Translator Dr Nur Aishah Binti Buang
Accreditor Dr Rose Nani Binti Mudin